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El Viejo Damasco

recogedores de basura

Palacio de un antigua pascha, estilo damasco

Niños sentados sobre restos de columnas romanas de 2000años de antiguadead



Evento de reciclaje en Kuwait: REUSE 3.0 Event 7-9th December 2009

Promoting Recycling Through Art.

Building on the success of last year’s REUSE 2.0 event, en.v announces a third and more elaborate installment of ‘REUSE’, under the patronage of Zain Telecommunications Company, Kuwait’s leading mobile telecommunications provider.

REUSE 3.0 will be hosted at The Avenues, Parking Lot D9, from the 7th to the 9th of December and will feature a dynamic mix of original artistic works by professionals, artists, students, and youth in general. The exhibition will be open to the public from 6pm to 9pm in addition to an allocated time for primary school student trips during the hours of 9am to 1pm.

REUSE is a 3-day exhibition whereby community members come together to recreate innovative design solutions in the realms of shelters, furniture, sculpture, artwork and more from scrap found around and about Kuwait.

Culture & Youth
To incorporate the various roles that different sectors of society play in recycling and sustainable living and give youth ready access to information regarding environmental sustainability and its importance in daily life.

Social Responsibility
To raise awareness, serving as a means for dialogue and action amongst the private sector and the community.

In accordance with en.v’s ethos towards environmental responsibility, Reuse will be devised, executed and introduced as a “carbon neutral” event. Ensuring environmental concerns are addressed during every phase of the initiative as well as offsetting all damage done to the environment through investing in “green” projects after a carbon footprint audit is completed.

For more information please contact:

Tel: +965 2252-4614
Fax: +965 2252-4615
Email :

Tel: +965 2464-4444
Fax: +965 2464-1111

The en.v Initiative
Tel: +965 2252- 4614
Fax: +965 2252-4615
Email :


Pecha Kucha Kuwait 3

Ayer atendi a Pecha Kucha Night de Kuwait, y tuve el orgullo y satisfacción de hacer una presentacion sobre las calles de kuwait, con fotos de este blog.
Presente junto a otros pecha-kuchas muy interesantes:

Farah Behbehani
Dana Al-Hasan
Fareed Abdal
Loaay Ahmed
Teddy B
Abd Al-rahman Al-Terkait

LA verdad es que fue una noche interesante,
se respiro un airecillo de cultura,
además habia una banda con musica en vivo que amenizaban la noche.
Gracias a la organizadora Asseel Al-Ragam
Espero que el proximo pecha kucha sea igual o mejor que este.

Unas frases robadas......

Me da vértigo el punto muerto
y la marcha atrás.
Vivir en los atascos.
Los frenos automaticos
y el olor a Gasoil.

Me angustia el cruce de miradas,
la doble dirección de las palabras
y el obsceno guiar de los semáforos.

Me arruinan las prisas
y las faltas de estilo,
el paso obligatorio.
Las tardes de Domingo
y hasta la línea reca.

Me enervan los que no tienen dudas.
Y aquellos que se aferran a sus ideales...

...son los de cualquiera.

Me cansa tanto trafico,
y tanto sinsentido,
parado frente al mar
mientras el mundo gira.